Axelent Spain at the 30 BIEMH fair

Axelent Spain, S.A.U. exhibited at the 30 BIEMH fair from May 28 to June 1. A wide range of products were on display. X-Guard, X-Tray, SafeStore, X-Store as well as the new post prepared for push buttons were all part of the Axelent booth.




Axelent Spain, S.A.U. exhibited at the 30 BIEMH fair from May 28 to June 1. A wide range of products were on display. X-Guard, X-Tray, SafeStore, X-Store as well as the new post prepared for push buttons were all part of the Axelent booth.

BIEMH celebrated its 30th edition. The fair helps the industry to be at the forefront of Industry 4.0. Important sectors are innovation, internationalization, system integration and productive intelligence.




Summer barbecue at the office

The team at Axelent Spain held a barbecue at the office in Barcelona to celebrate the summer and the well-deserved upcoming holiday period.

The company was closed for a week in August. During the rest of the summer, the office was manned and available for all inquiries from customers.

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Axelent Safety Book

Verschaffen Sie sich Zugang zu einer Welt des Wissens - die Grundlage für Fortschritt, Innovation und Sicherheit.

Unser Auftrag ist klar: Wir wollen Menschen, Branchen und Arbeitsplätze auf der ganzen Welt dabei unterstützen, ihre Umgebung intelligenter, sicherer und effizienter zu gestalten. Ganz gleich, ob Sie in der Fertigung, im Baugewerbe oder in der Logistik tätig sind - Sie haben Anspruch auf die Erkenntnisse, die die Zukunft von Sicherheit und Produktivität bestimmen.