Axelent Sweden

Heroic deeds take place here every day

Just about every month, new Axelent records are set for the number of orders and panels produced. Truck logistics have increased by 40% and the number of employees by 10%. Since August. This puts great demands on Team Warehouse.



Thomas Gunnarsson Axelent AB

Thomas Gunnarsson, Warehouse Manager, Axelent AB:

“Warehouse workers are a vital cog in Axelent AB. This is where we pack all the orders that are dispatched all over the world. To keep an eye on everything, we maintain close contact with customer service, production plant, painting workshop and freight carriers.

We have record amounts to do and at the moment we are 20% ahead of our targets. This means we do heroic deeds at Team Warehouse every day despite having taken on four new employees in August.”

New routines for improving efficiency

“We’re working full out in logistics with very little room for error. This has made us think carefully and we have created two new jobs to streamline our work. Two team leaders now keep an eye on work flows during both day and night shifts. We’ve even changed the working hours on shifts to further improve efficiency. As well as these concrete measures, we also pack orders according to a new priority matrix.”

Daniel Tran

Daniel Tran Axelent AB

Team Leader, night shift

As a team leader on the night shift I’m responsible for the staff and for handing over to the day shift. I ensure that my team's work makes things easier for the coming shifts. I’m also part of the team and help to pick orders when needed.

5 quickies

City or countryside?

Activity or relaxation?

Eat out or at home?

Favourite place?

Hidden talent?
I’m a tired person who gets an amazing amount done.

Emil Rask

Emil Rask Axelent AB

Team Leader, day shift

As a team leader on the day shift I keep a check on outstanding orders. I provide information to carriers, coach co-workers and act as a go-between between customer service and order picking. If I get time over I help out with picking and preparing orders.

5 quickies

City or countryside?

Activity or relaxation?

Eat out or at home?
At home.

Favourite place?
Hyde Park, London.

Hidden talent?
I’m an information nerd and I love to fill my head with things that I find cool.

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