Grow with us

From warehouse worker to Quality Manager

Nikodemus Emanuelsson, 25, has taken the step up from the warehouse floor to the office. At Axelent we think it important to utilise the skills of our employees and give them the opportunity to grow.



What is your background?

“I studied Engineering and Technology at upper secondary in Gnosjö. After that I felt I would like to branch out into Industrial Economy. I spent three years at the University of Borås, specialising in International Business Engineering. I was then offered a job in the warehouse at Axelent. I was happy there, it gave me the opportunity to work in different parts of the business and get an insight into the company's flows. After 18 months in the warehouse I was asked if I would be interested in a new position. At an interview we agreed on a new role more in keeping with my qualifications and the company's needs.”

What is your current role at Axelent?

“I’m a Quality Manager, but I’ll be involved in purchasing as well. The Operations Manual, which structures our working approach, is a major part of my work. We’re growing so quickly that maintaining the same level of service and delivery reliability is a real challenge. It’s my job to give the company the prerequisites for succeeding with this.”

What do you bring to the role of Quality Manager / Purchaser?

“I find the logic behind our flows easy to understand. I’m good at maths and statistics. I’m also a sociable person with good people skills.”

What does a normal working day entail for you?

“I’m new in the job so I learn something new every day. I'm presently forming a thorough understanding of the company so as to do my job to the best of my ability. We’ve spent a lot of time on the Operations Manual and we’ve drawn up a new audit plan. The job is varied and my role brings me into contact with company-wide issues. I also making a lot of new contacts with our suppliers.”

What do you find most exciting about your job?

“Being part of a forward-moving company. Axelent strives for continuous improvement and growth so is always open to new ideas. As far as my job is concerned I think it's the all-round aspect that makes it so exciting. Then it's always nice when my ideas have a positive impact.”

Why would you recommend Axelent?

“We always put the customer first. That runs through the whole company. We also strive to be better in everything we do.”

5 quickies

City or countryside?
City now, countr yside later

Activity or relaxation?

Eat out or at home?

Favourite place?
The golf course on a sunny day

Hidden talent?
I’ve cycled at elite level

Cecilia Davidsson HR-Manager Axelent AB All employees in the Axelent Group are made aware of the opportunities for professional development and that we will utilise their skills to the full. Our stated ambition is to give the individual the opportunity to grow in the organisation. Many have started at basic level and gone on to new positions within the Group.

We call it Grow With Us.

Cecilia Davidsson, HR Manager, Axelent

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