Axelent Sales Conference 2.0

The 2017 Sales Conference in Ystad offered a brand new format with lectures and workshops intertwined throughout two days. The theme of the conference was digital marketing, with social media in focus. The keynote speaker Chrille Petersson from Sprint Works gave a well-received lecture/workshop about the importance of social media in marketing.




An inspiring gala dinner rounded off the first day of the conference. Most participants found themselves in the spotlight at some point of the night. The participants came from all four corners of the world. From Australia in the south to Finland in the north, from USA in the west to Japan in the east. 45 people from 17 countries attended the conference.

The second day of the conference ended with the participants bringing the conference back home under the concept of ”Train the trainer”. All in all, the new format was a success, and the Axelent spirit grew even stronger.

Photo: Jonas Gallneby and Stefan Axelsson hosted the gala.

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Unser Auftrag ist klar: Wir wollen Menschen, Branchen und Arbeitsplätze auf der ganzen Welt dabei unterstützen, ihre Umgebung intelligenter, sicherer und effizienter zu gestalten. Ganz gleich, ob Sie in der Fertigung, im Baugewerbe oder in der Logistik tätig sind - Sie haben Anspruch auf die Erkenntnisse, die die Zukunft von Sicherheit und Produktivität bestimmen.