Finn-Power moved into new premises

The 20,000 square metres of new, imposing premises almost seem to materialise from the natural surroundings of the Finnish city of Seinäjoki. Nature has also heavily influenced the entire building in terms of its construction. Solar cells and solar panels, together with an efficient heat recycling system, make the building self-sufficient as far as energy is concerned.

Finn Power New Facilities)



Axelent and Finn-Power Oy have been in business together for more than a decade, and when we talk to Jarkko Kettula, head of purchasing for logistics and real estate, he considers our collaboration a partnership.

Which products do you buy from Axelent?

“Mostly machine guards (X-Guard), but in conjunction with our newbuild, we also fitted the warehouse section with anti-tip protection (SafeStore).”

How do you find our collaboration?

Our collaboration works very well. We don’t keep a stock of machine guards here in Seinäjoki. Instead, we order them from Axelent AB in Sweden when needed. And they arrive within a few days.

What do you consider important when choosing a supplier?

We need a partner more than a supplier. A partner who can work together with us and advise us when necessary. A partner who we can grow with and who understands how we think and work. Axelent is such a partner.


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Finn Power Collaborates With Axelent



Tell us about the inauguration!

We held an inauguration at our new premises on 21 March this year, with more than 250 guests present. We moved both production and our technical centre some 40 km from Kauhava to Seinäjoki. The newly built premises cover 20,000 square metres and comprise an investment of about 20 million euros.
What’s more, the inauguration coincided with our 50th anniversary, so we had double the reason to celebrate.”

What can you tell us about the new facilities?

If we compare them with our old premises, production capacity has increased by 40 percent thanks to the larger floor space, internal logistics are improved, and we have more modern technology and a higher ceiling.

We number 400 employees, and since we’re focused on product development and innovation, twenty percent of the workforce are in R&D.

What do you manufacture?

Finn-Power is part of Prima Power’s machinery division. Which in our case means that each year we manufacture and deliver about 450 Prima Power machines to customers around the world.

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