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A global brand – for 30 years and many years to come

The year is coming to an end and it is time to sum up 2020. This year I have been entrusted with a new challenge in my life, which includes so many different parts.  Above all I have met and been inspired by a lot of wonderful and driven people here at Axelent. I find it fascinating that Axelent as a brand and its products can be found all over the world. We as a company have reached many new markets over the years and there will be many more to come.

Looking back, this has been a year that no one could have ever foreseen. But in all the difficulties, our employees have focused and taken the Axelent forward. I am extremely proud of what all of you have achieved during this period. Together we have reached out to customers, we have created new relationships and we have done it all together as a team!

One of Axelent's focus areas is to build good and stable supplier relationships. We see the importance of having a close dialogue so that we can develop together. A long-term collaboration is something positive and at the end, it adds value to our customers.

We are thankful that we can grow together with our suppliers.

We as a company, is really nothing, without our customers. We are so grateful for all the incredible relationships and collaborations we have and that you trust us and use our knowledge in safety. It is truly our customers who keep us motivated to think in new directions, push us to be even more innovative and create safe workplaces.

I wish all customers, partners, suppliers and employees a relaxing, safe and happy new year!

Amanda Hildning, MD Axelent AB


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