Wirksame Ansätze zur Förderung einer positiven Sicherheitskultur

Safety culture encompasses the collective attitudes, values, and perceptions that both managers and employees hold regarding safety and the work environment, playing a crucial role in shaping how safety measures are implemented and followed within an organization. 

Since it is impossible to avoid all workplace accidents with just rules and processes, fostering a strong safety culture becomes essential. This culture ensures that safety is deeply ingrained in every aspect of the workplace, influencing behaviour and decision-making to prevent accidents proactively. How management and employees handle safety and health in daily work is influenced by their understanding of the purpose behind structures and rules, as well as their perception of how safety and health are valued in the organization.

By following these guidelines, you can build a positive safety culture that ensures a safe, efficient, and thriving warehouse environment.

What is Key to a Strong Safety Culture

Prioritise safety in leadership 

The work environment is profoundly shaped by how an organization is managed. Consequently, leadership must prioritize safety as a core value. Management should actively demonstrate their commitment by participating in and supporting safety initiatives, visibly prioritizing safety in their actions. By doing so, they can positively influence employees' attitudes and behaviours, encouraging everyone to take proactive safety measures.

Promote engagement and open communication 

Everyone must be involved and understand their role in creating a safe workplace by adhering to the established rules and processes. It's not just about following guidelines; it's about actively participating in the culture of safety. Encouraging employees to report hazards, near-misses, and incidents is crucial. Transparent and open communication channels ensure that potential risks are identified and addressed promptly, fostering a culture of trust and safety awareness. When everyone is engaged and communicative, the entire organization benefits from a safer, more proactive work environment.

Foster continuous improvement 

Regularly updating and refining safety protocols based on reported accidents and incidents is crucial. Continuous learning and adaptation are key to maintaining a proactive approach to safety and ensuring that measures remain effective and relevant. It's important to learn from both successes and mistakes. This holistic understanding helps to improve overall safety practices. By doing so, organizations can create a dynamic safety culture that evolves and strengthens over time, leading to a safer and more efficient workplace.


Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency. (n.d.). Safety culture. https://www.arpansa.gov.au/regulation-and-licensing/safety-security-transport/holistic-safety/safety-culture

Prevent. (n.d). Säkrare arbetsplatser genom samverkan: Säkerhetskultur. https://www.prevent.se/globalassets/.prevent.se/jobba-med-arbetsmiljon/osa/sakerhetskultur/sakerhetskultur_sakrare-arbetsplatser-genom-samverkan_2024.pdf

Swedish Work Environment Authority. (n.d.). Safety culture. https://www.av.se/en/work-environment-work-and-inspections/work-with-the-work-environment/safety-culture/

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